8 Foods That Promote a Strong and Healthy Heart

The relationship between food and heart health has been a topic of interest for centuries. The food we eat can significantly impact our overall health and well-being, especially when it comes to our hearts. The heart is the most vital organ in the human body, and taking care of it should be our top priority.…

The Challenge for Independent Health Care Practices

The biggest issue facing healthcare systems today, in my opinion, is the lack of control over their destiny. In a sense, perhaps, they never had any freedom, and mastery over their future was merely an illusion. However, after nearly 34 years in health care, it has become painfully clear to me that this is the…

Is Melatonin the New “Vitamin M”?

Melatonin supplements are taking up more space on drugstore shelves and across social media platforms. But what exactly is it? Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone, is a central part of the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Its production increases with the darkness of the evening, promoting healthy sleep and helping to orient the body…

What is Brain Fog and How Do You Recover From It?

Brain fog is a symptom often caused by stress, sleep changes, and medication. This is a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think. A person with this condition may experience extreme confusion, and memory loss, and may find it difficult to concentrate. What exactly is brain fog?It is not a…

Best Exercises for Senior Citizens

If you are an older adult looking to establish an exercise routine, you should be able to fit in 2 hours of endurance activity a week. Regular exercise is important for all stages of life, but as we age, it becomes even more important for our overall well-being. Regular exercise can improve almost all aspects…

10 Reasons to Enjoy Eating Watermelon Every Day

Watermelon rich in sweet juice is one of the best gifts from nature during the summer season. Watermelon is a great fruit for summer. Many people believe that they can help prevent dehydration simply because they are made up of 92% water, but this is only half true. It’s delicious, water-rich, refreshing, and only 46…

Difference between OEP and AEP — Access Health Care Physicians, LLC

Medicare OEP Vs. AEP — What do these abbreviations stand for? OEP stands for Open Enrollment Period, and AEP stands for Annual Enrollment Period. In this post, we outline the major differences between Medicare Open Enrollment Plan and Medicare Annual Enrollment Period. Understanding the differences between each enrollment period is often a point of confusion…

Medicare Advantage Plan Coverage. How It Works While Away From Home

If you are wondering if Medicare Advantage plan coverage works overseas or not, then stay put. Today we will be discussing the entire topic in detail. Get all your Medicare benefits, plus extra no-cost programs and services, in one convenient plan. For those who don’t know, Medicare Advantage plans are a simple way to get…